Hey there Citizens of Haxity, it’s Monday once again.
Last week we had our first “play with the developers” in a long time. This is a segment that will be coming around frequently to really give our beloved fans some 1-on-1 time with the developers. With this community event we also tested out our first stream to Steam, which was a fun experience and something we want to expand upon at a later date.
One of our promises to you as a player was to always listen to feedback and take that into consideration when developing this game going forward. As our next step in this community driven development we are addressing one issue that several people have come forward with, “Versus” game length. The first step to solve this issue is to figure out what actually encompasses this issue.
To do this I, Delda, will sit down with Game Director Thomas Sørensen on Friday 21.08.2020 and have a chat about the changes coming to Versus in the very near future. This event will be streamed and also edited into a video to watch at a later date. If you have any specific questions surrounding the upcoming changes to “Versus” mode feel free to either comment here, post on Discord, DM me directly or Tweet at us. I will be sure that every voice is heard and taken into consideration.
But that is it for this time, if you want to discuss more, Discord is where we are most active. We are of course checking Steam forums and other avenues of communication on a daily basis, but for the fastest response Discord is our platform.